Cain F (550)

I had the chance to enjoy a Cain F (550) straight ligero cigar the other night while sitting outside enjoying the evening breeze. I have read a lot about the entire Cain line of cigars, and will eventually offer up reviews of several different offerings, but todays focus is specifically on the Cain F.

First impressions are usually lasting impressions, and for this cigar I was immediately impressed with the construction, the wrapper was flawless and the smell of the cigar was excellent. A stick begging to be smoked.

I used a punch to open up the head and got the cigar lit up. The first draw was a mild, oak flavored draw that finished slightly earthy, but with definite hints of leather on the palate.

A few puffs in and this cigar quickly settled into a nice, flavorful but mild smoke. I was actually expecting a little more punch to this smoke, but throughout the entire smoke which laster well over 1 hour 20 minutes when I finally set it down and finished, the cigar held a consistent flavor that never overpowered.

I mentioned the leather on the finish, and that was something the developed the deeper into the cigar I got, and the ash was nice and tight allowing for a really cool burn that never had the cigar feeling hot.

The amazing thing was that thinking you are going to get a buzz off the cigar being straight ligero is anything but true. Now, if you inhaled the cigar not stopping to enjoy it I am sure a buzz could be gotten, but the truth be told is the blender really has created a great cigar that doesn't overpower.

In coming entries I will be discussing tasting notes on the Cain Maduro and well as the Cain Habano, but I will say even for a recreational smoker the Cain F is certainly not a smoke to be ignored due to perception of the straight ligero.

After enjoying this cigar, I am excited by the coming Cain NUB cigar. That is certainly a smoke that will find a home in my humidor.


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